
Stress causes disease in the mind and body. The best way to get rid of stress is to meditate and not be dependent too much on external substances. We live most of our life constantly trying to give meaning to things, and reacting to imaginary problems. Meditation is the only way we get to take a break, achieve silence, connect to our soul, and bring it into the rest of our day. We owe it to ourselves to meditate. Practicing meditation for at least 30 minutes a day, twice a day, can change ones life for the better. Through meditation practice, it becomes easier to have stress free productive days. The purpose of this site is to help you understand meditation better so you can practice and incorporate what you have learned about meditation into your life.

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7 Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is more important than people realize. It as amazing benefits.  I am going to discuss the benefits.  I am not claiming to be an expert in meditation.  I will always be learning.  As I learn I will update and improve my information.  Hopefully you will learn something new that you didn’t know before, but it is okay if you don’t agree with some of the things I say.

There are many benefits to meditation which include the following:

reduces stress, and chronic fatigue
reduces depression, anxiety, and anger issues
increases creativity, and intuition
increases focus, and will power
helps overcome addiction, and weight gain
helps reduce heart disease, Alzheimer, and autoimmune disease
helps improve memory, learning, and concentration

reduces chronic stress, and fatigue

Dwelling on negative things constantly puts the body in shock. It is in the head and not life threatening. Worrying about problems like that are unecessary. One of many direct effects of this is that it slows down digestion. When the body is in fight or flight mode, it can not digest food. All the blood is flowing in the wrong direction because the body can’t focus on digestion when it is preparing for fight or flight. Without the digestion working on an optimal level one will often experience low energy.

For every problem you encounter there are infinite possibilities so you don’t have to get stressed out thinking about the problem. Also, Its okay to let the universe take the wheel. You can pray consistently and regularly with relaxed belief and not obsess over how things are going to unfold.

reduces depression, anger, and anxiety.

During meditation you go into a deeper state of relaxation and a higher state of ecstasy. As one practices being in the moment over time it changes the brain. When situations come up that usually make one depressed, angry, or have anxiety one will just observe and move on more easily.

You will be able to better notice and heal emotional past traumas so it doesn’t keep coming back to your conscious mind through triggers and effect your bio chemistry, and physical reaction.

increases creativity, and intuition

There are many ways of increasing creativity, and intuition. Meditation is one of them. Creative ideas start to flow when one is more turned off from the outside world and turned on to the inner world.

increases focus, and will power

Negative thoughts and physical sensations can overwhelm the mind and body. This can make it harder for a person to accomplish their daily goals. Meditation puts one in a relaxed, and blissful state. Work that is boring and stressful will be easier to do.

When prayer is added to meditation it creates synergy. Before one goes to work he or she can pray for a beautiful day in a meditative state. It is not the event of ones life but the meaning one gives the events that creates ones reality.  It reprograms the part of the brain that control what we notice, how we react, and the choices we make.  Just by us being in an environment we change the environment. Prayer gives us positive vibes, we give it to others, and they reciprocate.

Helps overcome addiction, and weight gain

It isn’t external things that make a person feel good it is their own energy. If one changes their Nero association to any substance it become easier to overcome. You will start making healthier decision because you realize that you can still feel good, because it is your own energy and Nero association to things that make you feel good not the thing itself. You can just as easily make more healthy choices than make less healthy choices.
Meditation is a healthy addiction all on its own.

Meditation reduces pain perception. One is less likely to indulge in their favorite addiction when they make meditation a daily practice. Take a break from goals and do something fun, relaxing, and creative.

reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer, and autoimmune disease

Just as a body builder trains the body in the gym a person who meditates trains the brain. Your brain builds more grey matter during meditation. This helps absorb shock from strong stimuli. When you hear sad news or hear good news you won’t have an excessive rush of adrenaline and racing heart beat. Your blood passage ways will be more relaxed and the blood will form less clot. Your breathing and heart rate will remain normal. Your digestion will be healthier and less inflamed which reduces the chance of heart disease.

Meditation makes your frontal lobe bigger which is responsible for remembering things, learning, and paying attention reducing the risk of Alzheimer. Healing the gut through Ayurveda will make it work more effectively, because it is the second brain. Also, work on the subconscious mind to heal past traumas that also put the body in shock. You can do this by practicing affirmations in a meditative state.

Toxins have a tendency of disguising themselves as the cells in the body. The body then attacks the healthy cells along with the fake cells in attempt to get rid of them causing autoimmune disease. Negative thoughts feelings and emotions are toxic to the body just like any other toxins one can ingest.

How to meditate

Anyone can meditate. Practice conscious breathing.  You awareness will shift between thought and physical sensations, and breath.  Keep doing it until your breath becomes the strongest thing in your awareness.  Also, learn other ways to meditate like silent oms and listening to meditative music. You are not going to have a successful meditation every time. That is okay. Just do it.

You can meditate while siting down or laying down with your back straight. Pick the time and place that is appropriate for you, and be creative and flexible.

You can meditate anywhere at an time by doing a soft gaze and working on your breathing. You can do some slow rhythmic breathing while focusing on an activity simultaneously.  Don’t meditate if you are driving or operation any heavy machinery.

Set up your environment in a way that is conducive for you to meditate, clean and organized. Break up your meditation or turn on meditative music if you need to.

Meditation, and building healthy Nero-connections is important to the brain.  It should be used as part of a holistic method of keeping a person’s mind, and body in good condition along with proper diet, sleep, and exercise.


The focus of this blog is to provide helpful content of great value that will aid you with your meditation journey.  It provides science, real life stories, and practical advice for people who are new to meditation.  I am not an expert at meditation, but I practice and learn about meditation everyday and as I evolve into a more qualified person to teach meditation my blog will also evolve.  Things related to meditation like yoga, chakra healing, Ayurveda, love and gratitude, and the subconscious mind will also be discussed.


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